Miss Progress International and the IEO-CCM Foundation, together again for the prevention of female cancers

After the great success of last year, the collaboration to support the research of IEO’s Women’s Cancer Center of Milan is renewed. On 29 September the “march in pink” will take place in San Giorgio Ionico.
“A multi-purpose and multi-disciplinary center for women”, this is how the European Institute of Oncology of Milan presents on its website the Women’s Cancer Center, which brings together in a single area the skills and services needed to provide immediate and complete answers to every woman who chooses IEO for the prevention of female cancer, early diagnosis, treatment or follow-up.
The IEO-CCM Foundation is committed to raising funds to support cancer research and cardiovascular disease.
Among the promoted initiatives, the “march in pink”, organized by the cultural association In Progress, which, next September 29, will take place in San Giorgio Ionico, a town of about sixteen thousand inhabitants in the province of Taranto.
The non-profit association will once again present this initiative on the basis of the great success at Fragagnano during the previous edition of Miss Progress International-Women for Progress and, also this year, will line up the Ambassadors of Progress, coming from all five the continents, which will participate, from 27 September to 6 October, in the seventh edition of the event dedicated to the Environment, Health, Human Rights and Integration between Cultures.

“We are proud to host an event like this -says the mayor of San Giorgio Ionico, Cosimo Fabbiano- because we want to help spread the culture of prevention, which can save many lives”.
The day will end with a seminar, open to all, in which Dr. Daniela Iacobone, IEO gynecologist will participate, along with other local specialists.
Friday, October 4, at the final ceremony of the event, Dr. Mattia Intra, IEO’s senologist, will be attending to represent the Institute and symbolically receive the donation of the funds raised.You can contribute in many ways: by purchasing one of the specially made pink t-shirts, participating in the draw for one of the many prizes brought from every corner of the planet or, more simply, with a contribution to the IEO-CCM Foundation on the website www.fondazioneieoccm.it.
“We have already begun to involve other associations – adds Giusy Nobile, president of In Progress – and we are sure that people will respond to the call with enthusiasm and will color the city pink, because we all know how important research and prevention are in the fight against tumors”.