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9 May 2014

Puglia welcomes the world: the Ambassadors of Progress have arrived

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MISS PROGRESS INTERNATIONAL 2014 – Press release n ° 4

The first day of the 2014 edition of Miss Progress International Edition began auspiciously. The guests from five continents enjoied some relax.

Santa Maria di Leuca, May 9 – The best spring sunshine and a gentle breeze blowing from the south: this is the welcome offered by Santa Maria di Leuca, the basis of the tour that the competitors for the title of Miss Progress International 2014 received upon their arrival.

from left Jasmine (Australia), Olga (Russia), Ivana (Macedonia), Ekaterina (Estonia). On the background Messapia Hotel
from left Jasmine (Australia), Olga (Russia), Ivana (Macedonia), Ekaterina (Estonia). On the background Messapia Hotel

The smile graced to the staff of the Associazione Culturale In Progress of San Giorgio Ionico, even by those who have faced a journey of more than twenty hours, repaid the hard work began almost a year ago.

from left Dorotha (Svezia), Tayla (Sud Africa), Gilda (Portogallo), Shannon (Canada)
from left Dorotha (Sweden), Tayla (South Africa), Gilda (Portogallo), Shannon (Canada)

The reception of the Hotel Messapia allowed everyone to taste the cuisine of Puglia, curated by master chef Cristian, and lounging by the pool to recover some energies.

from left  Jasmine (Australia), Olga (Russia), Ekaterina (Estonia), Evgenya (Bielorussia)
from left Jasmine (Australia), Olga (Russia), Ekaterina (Estonia), Evgenya (Belarus)

Tomorrow the hotel will host the press conference of presentation of the contestants and become the basic logistics of the tour that will visit some of the most beautiful places in the region.

from left Arantza (Bolivia) Kristina (Porto Rico), Ivana (Macedonia), Esterina (Italia)
from left Arantza (Bolivia), Kristina (Puerto Rico), Ivana (Macedonia), Esterina (Italia)


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