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13 April 2014

The photos of the first Ambassadors of Progress 2014 are online

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Are already online the photos of some of the thirty competitors who look forward to the second World Final of Miss Progress International, which will be broadcast live on the web Saturday, May 17th at 21:00 (Italian time).

Representing Italy will be the modicana Esterina Rumè who is enthusiastic:
I can’t wait to live this fantastic experience says, beaming, the beautiful young Sicilian and I thank my teachers and the principal for allowing me to be away from school in the final days.”

Miss Progress Italy 2014, Esterina Rumè
Miss Progress Italy 2014, Esterina Rumè

Esterina, 19 years old, studies social sciences and this year will face the test of maturity for which is working hard to get prepared just in spite of the “pause” dedicated to her participation in the event.
Ready her project dedicated to Human Rights, the theme assigned to Italy.

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